It was recently reported that the band KISS will not be performing at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony this year. After years of berating and belittling the Hall of Fame for what seemed like a constant snubbing of the bands’ overwhelming accomplishments, the band announced it will NOT be playing on April 10.
It seems the controversy is over who would actually be representing KISS on stage. Founding members Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley did not want to reunite with original members Peter Criss and Ace Frehley . Their argument is that current members Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer have been playing, touring and recording with the band for the past 13 years. Which is almost as long as Criss and Frehley played with the band. Now keep in mind Eric Carr, Vinnie Vincent, Mark St. John and Bruce Kulick have also been members at some point and time.
In my opinion, KISS has earned a spot in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They have 28 gold albums, more than any other American rock band… EVER! They have sold over 100 million albums worldwide, which also makes them one of the top selling bands of all time. Are their songs deep or life changing? Absolutely not. But they’ve never claimed to be that kind of band. They made it clear right from the start, they wanna rock and roll all night (sing it with me) and party every day.
Let’s be honest, KISS has always been Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley. They run the show. They came up with the concept, they came up with the merchandising and they came up with the look. Â One of their biggest hits – and probably my favorite, is Beth. That was actually sung by Mr. Peter Criss and written by ex-Chelsea guitarist, Stan Penridge. I’m sorry, you can’t get up and sing Beth at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony without Peter Criss! Simmons and Stanley have all the control and have decided to let the Hall of Fame know, “It’s our way or no way”!
It’s up in the air who exactly from KISS is showing up or if there will be any kind of involvement at all. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame might be so pissed, they might not acknowledge them at all during the ceremony. I wouldn’t blame them. At this point, their hands are kind of tied. It’s really disappointing, as a fan of music, when something like this happens. I was in bands for years and sometimes you just don’t get along with everybody all the time. But you can be darn sure that if I had a 40 year career that was being celebrated with the highest honor in my field, I would do everything in my power to make it work. I could get through a couple days of rehearsals and a 15 minute performance. Do you know why? Because I know how much it would mean to the fans.
Maybe Gene and Paul need to step back and think this over for a minute? KISS is much bigger than them. KISS belongs to the world now. But unfortunately, they have chosen to overlook that. Guess who suffers at the end of the day? The very people who got you where you are, the most important people… period. The fans.
What do you think about it?